Comprehensive understanding of the healthcare industry with a proven track record of success
Monsanto, Pharmacia, Pfizer, Celebrex, Detrol, Lyrica, etc.
Launched and marketed billion-dollar pharmaceutical products in Arthritis & Pain, Women's Health, and Mental Health markets.
PharmaTrials International
Involved in orchestrating clinical trials and regulatory compliance.
MBA Healthcare Management and Marketing
Bone Healing Devices, Viscosupplementation
Launched and marketed medical devices into the Orthopedic and Pain Management market.
Business Development Consultant, successfully launched Sancuso, a transdermal medical device for the oncology market.
Established an FDA-registered medical device manufacturing company.
Invented, designed, manufactured, and successfully launched the award-winning Bite Helper. Health Helper, Founder & CEO
Сreated a portfolio of award-winning, nature-inspired, clinically tested, direct-to-consumer
medical devices.